CBI calls for Chancellor to use Budget to 'build momentum' in the economy

07 Feb 2024

In its Spring Budget submission, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has called on Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to 'continue building momentum' in the UK economy and 'put the country on the path to sustainable growth'.

The CBI stated that the Spring Budget is 'a crucial opportunity to firm up the foundations of growth to deliver a prosperous future for the country'.

According to the business group, the Chancellor should extend Full Expensing to cover leased and rented assets; deliver the planned expansion of eligibility to 30 hours of funded childcare; cap the increase in the business rate multiplier for England for another year; and increase the total that can be raised from Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) investments for knowledge intensive companies from £20 million to £30 million.

Rain Newton-Smith, Chief Executive at the CBI, commented: 'The Chancellor needs to perform a tricky 'high wire balancing act' of giving momentum to the economy without sacrificing hard-earned credibility. With the Autumn Statement signposting us to the right path towards stability and growth, political leaders need to stay the course and not give in to short-term political headwinds.

'Businesses are impatient for the economy to pick up steam. UK PLC needs a budget that prioritises economic momentum over election giveaways, giving firms the confidence to invest and avoiding the economy remaining on standstill until election day.'

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