HMRC increases late payment interest rate to 7.5%

05 Jul 2023

HMRC has increased interest rates with late payment bills charged 7.5% from 11 July, the highest rate since 2001.

The move follows the Bank of England's latest increase in the base rate with HMRC also increasing the rate paid on repayments of tax.

The Bank increased the base rate to 5% from 4.5% on 22 June, the 13th consecutive rise.

The late payment and repayment interest rates follow this rise and are applied to the main taxes and duties that HMRC currently charges and pays interest.

The late payment interest rate will increase by 0.5% to 7.5% from 11 July.

Late payment interest is payable on late tax bills covering income tax, national insurance contributions (NICs), Capital Gains Tax (CGT), corporation tax pay and file, Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT), stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax.

Repayment interest will also be increased from the current 3.5% rate to 4%. 

The corporation tax pay and file rate increases to 7.5%. Corporation tax self assessment interest rates relating to interest charged on underpaid quarterly instalment payments rises to 4.75% from 4.25% on 11 July.

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